Friday, October 31, 2008

Song #8... And Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to everyone. First off to you parents out there. If you're dressing up your child, go either with cute or scary not gay. Now I ain't gay bashing here so if I piss off a queer, deal with it. A profession like a doctor is gay; a doctor with blood in his hair, surgical gloves and a dead baby with him is scary. Get it? Hollywood crap is okay, so I expect the Hulk/Batman/Spiderman to show up at some point. Military crap is, eh? Coming to my house as an Angel and you're not 5'10" 24 and a 42F-30-44 (I like some heft), you better be the Angel of Death. Anyone who shows up as Charlie Brown with lots of holes in his sheet gets extra candy. And no candy to white kids who show up with no costume. Speaking of which...

I heard on the radio today that the cool thing for kids if they don't get the candy they like to throw it at the house. Fuck you, you spoiled little shits, you're only trick or treating because it's one day when mom allows you to get more sugar than you're legally allowed. You should be grateful someone went to the store to think of you and get you something. On top of that parents who make kids pick out candy then give the rest to the parents to bring to work to "get rid of it" need to be shot in the knee caps. You are fucking evil, evil, evil. Bunch of dream crushers.

Moving on to my #8 song. Got to give a shout-out to Marin Luther today who nailed the 95 Thesis to the Catholic Church in Germany. He is one of my biggest hero of all time. He stood up to the baddest assed authority to ever walk the planet in that day and gave them a big FUCK YOU. And who inspired him to do that? Why God of course. Ask a Catholic what religion they are? It ain't Christian, it's Catholic. So to my peeps, kin, brethren, who spit on the idea of religion I dedicate this song to you, because when it's all said and done, we're all going to be dancing with Norman Greenbaum, one of the coolest Jews ever.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top 10 Songs... #9

I think maybe my first one threw people for a loop. No biggie, we'll be getting to the metal soon enough. But, as I made mention that I'm going to include songs that are well written. This is one of them.

I was born in the 70's and although I don't remember this song coming out, I do remember hearing it on the radio. To me it represents a sound of the 70's, but also a sound that is timeless. It's a song that's immediately classic the first time you hear it. Hell, you'll find yourself singing the song not sure of what it is or what the hell it's really about.

It's the time in your life when you didn't care, life was careless and carefree and you just simply lived, oblivious to how lost you really are.

To all the Tiny Dancers in the world. We love you, we don't miss you, but we will never forget you.

With that, Tiny dancer is my #9 song of all time, by one of the most legendary singer songwriters to ever live, Sir Elton John

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Top 10 Songs

This morning on KFAN (local sports radio station), they each listed their top 10 songs of all time. Well needless to say, it got me thinking.

So what defines a list. Is it that song that makes say, "Oh yeah... this is awesome." Or does it bring you back to a moment or time? Is it the way it's written, the chorus, guitar riff? Or is it like that movie you sit down and watch regardless of where it is, you just listen or sit and life stops until it's done?

I comprised a list, something I always kind of had in my head, this morning and I'm not sure if it's finalized or not, but it is without a doubt 10 great songs. If I can figure this blogging thing out, I'll hopefully be adding (imbedding as they call it) youtube videos of my top 10 songs.

Those of you who know me will realize that, "Hey that's not a typical song for him." It's because first and foremost, I am a music fan, secondly (taking only a back seat to my wife and daughter) is heavy metal. I am a child of the 80's baptized in NWOBHM, not so much of that crap from L.A.'s glam scene. Which however, wouldn't have brought us to the great metal of today without it's influence.

With that, here's #10.

The Beatles - In My Life
A song that stops me and brings me right back to key moments In My Life. It's timeless and from what I believe is The Beatles greatest album, Rubber Soul. Band wise, even though I love other bands much, much more than The Beatles, no band will ever be as big, as influential, as important, as world changing as the original boy band, The Beatles. Ever.

So... This is a blog (please read to understand all that follows)

Okay, I had a blog. I know what one is. I don't read too many, but I figure I'm important enough that people need to read what I have to say. My old one was Angermanagement, essentially a sounding board for everything that pisses me off.

What this blog is: my rants, my loves, and general writings of whatever comes to mind.

What this blog isn't: Politically correct, well written, nice

Yeah - there's some fucked up shit I'll be talking about from time to time.

And here's the duality I deal with, within myself every friggin' day. I hate disclaimers. A disclaimer says nothing more to you than... "I as a writer know you're an idiot so I will make this announcement that my thoughts and opinions are soley on my own and do not necessarily carry the opinions of Google and their affiliates or other nouns."


There really isn't going to be a show, sounded like the "thing" to say.