Wednesday, October 29, 2008

So... This is a blog (please read to understand all that follows)

Okay, I had a blog. I know what one is. I don't read too many, but I figure I'm important enough that people need to read what I have to say. My old one was Angermanagement, essentially a sounding board for everything that pisses me off.

What this blog is: my rants, my loves, and general writings of whatever comes to mind.

What this blog isn't: Politically correct, well written, nice

Yeah - there's some fucked up shit I'll be talking about from time to time.

And here's the duality I deal with, within myself every friggin' day. I hate disclaimers. A disclaimer says nothing more to you than... "I as a writer know you're an idiot so I will make this announcement that my thoughts and opinions are soley on my own and do not necessarily carry the opinions of Google and their affiliates or other nouns."


There really isn't going to be a show, sounded like the "thing" to say.

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