Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top 10 Songs... #9

I think maybe my first one threw people for a loop. No biggie, we'll be getting to the metal soon enough. But, as I made mention that I'm going to include songs that are well written. This is one of them.

I was born in the 70's and although I don't remember this song coming out, I do remember hearing it on the radio. To me it represents a sound of the 70's, but also a sound that is timeless. It's a song that's immediately classic the first time you hear it. Hell, you'll find yourself singing the song not sure of what it is or what the hell it's really about.

It's the time in your life when you didn't care, life was careless and carefree and you just simply lived, oblivious to how lost you really are.

To all the Tiny Dancers in the world. We love you, we don't miss you, but we will never forget you.

With that, Tiny dancer is my #9 song of all time, by one of the most legendary singer songwriters to ever live, Sir Elton John

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