Monday, December 8, 2008

The Legend had to Go Go

Elmer Valentine co-founder of the legendary Whisky A Go Go in LA died at the age of 85 last week in Studio City, CA.

Known as The Whisky, Valentine got the idea of how a woman danced at a club in Paris called the Go Go and opened the club on the Strip in LA in 1963. If you were a west coast band on your way to legend status, there was a good chance you didn't get there without passing through The Whisky's doors. Over the decades The Whisky played host to many major rock bands like: The Byrds, The Doors, Janis Joplin, The Kinks, The Who, Van Halen, Guns N'Roses, Buffalo Springfield, and The Beach Boys.

So in LA fashion Elmer, this one is for you, and thanks for bringing legends into our lives!!

The Doors, LA Woman.

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